Iron in Water

If you have well water, you’re probably familiar with iron. While Iron is often thought of as a necessary mineral for the body, the Iron present in Well water is in an inorganic form, making it nonabsorbent by the body. The only positives of having Iron is that often, it means you’re not burdened with issues other than hardness.

Iron is often merely a burden that quickly tarnishes, corrodes and stains fixtures, water using appliances like bathtubs, toilets, sinks and any clothes you wash. It has also been found to cause brassy hair for blonde hair.

Iron usually occurs in its ferrous state in well water. The water may be clear when drawn, but once exposed to oxygen changes into a ferric (oxidized) state. Once exposed to high temperatures the oxidation forms “rust” particles. At this point, you may find orange stains where the water runs out of the toilet, at the bottom of your tub and around your sink.

Thankfully, there is a solution, and it begins with Kinetico!

Where does Iron in Water Come From?

Before we introduce you to the best water system, let’s go over where the iron comes from first.

If we all remember from science class, iron makes up a small amount of the Earth’s crust.

When it rains, that rainwater seeps down into the soil. Aquifers connected to wells become filled with this rainwater and in the process become contaminated with iron.

In this unfiltered form, the water then enters your home being used daily, and when it goes through the tap, that’s what you end up drinking, bathing, and washing in.

There are two forms of iron in water: soluble ferrous iron and insoluble ferric iron. The first form has a colorless appearance.

Once exposed to air, it turns cloudy, and a brownish substance appears. That transformation is known as ferric iron or iron that won’t dissolve in water.

How to Test Your Water

If you’re confident that you have iron in your water, contact Kinetico Water Systems of SWFL and schedule a Free Water Analysis. We will test your water for Iron, Sulfur, Hardness, PH, TDS (Total Dissolved Solvents). With this thorough exam, you will find out exactly how many parts per million of Iron is found in your water, and while we are there, we will provide you with a written quote on any equipment you’re interested in that is good for up to six months.

Corrosion may also be due to a low PH. This can cause havoc on your pipes and is especially dangerous for copper pipes as in time low ph causes pinhole leaks.

Call a professional to get your water tested!

Why You Need a Water Softener

Iron can be a nuisance when it’s not taken care of properly.

To prevent an incident from happening, the best way to treat iron in water is to get a non-electric water softener. This softener will not only remove the Iron from your water, but it will also provide you with soft water removing the harness from your water. In this process, the softener removes Iron and softens protecting your appliances from rust and Calcium buildup. Often times the softener is partnered with an odor removal system that further purifies your water.

With this state-of-the-art water filtration system, you and your family will ditch softening sheets, reduce your use of soaps, conditioners, lotions and reap the benefits of having soft, Iron-free water throughout your entire home.

Iron It Out with Clear Kinetico Water

Don’t let just anyone treat your water. Leave it to the professional who’s been in business since 1990 servicing your area.

We have systems suited for the whole house and commercial use as well. Ready to improve the quality of your water? Schedule your free water analysis today!